Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Birthday Party Games Became Very Popular Today

Birthday party games is the most anticipated and favorite part of any birthday party. Every kid loves to play games and win prizes. Memories of birthday parties lasts a lifetime and organizing a kid’s birthday party is not complete without the games and the prizes to go along with it.

Make your child’s birthday party extra special by including a few games and fun activities without being expensive. There are a lot of kids birthday games that can be organized using things that are at hand and a few tasty treats.

Party Game #1 – Statues

In this game, there is no limit for the number of players. Get the player to spread around in the room. Ask them to dance and be as silly as they can be at the start of the music. When the music sops each child has to be “frozen” in wherever position they are in. If somebody moves, then that player is out. Whoever remains with being out till the end is the winner.

Party Game #2 – Guessing Game

In this game, a jar is filled with toys like bouncy bally or jelly beans or colorful candies. As each child to guess how many there are inside the jar. The child whose guess is the closest will have the most points, making him or her winner.

Party Game #3 – Passing the Parcel

In this game, a chocolate or some other gift is wrapped up in a gift paper and tied with a ribbon. Then wrap it up in another sheet and keep on doing this until you have the number of layers that you want. Wrap the last and the final layer with colorful paper so that it looks attractive. Make all the players sit in a circle a ask them to pass the parcel while a music is played. Whoever is in possession of the parcel as the music comes to a stop removes just a layer of the wrapper in the parcel and the games continues till all the false wrappings are over and the winner gets to keep the gift inside.

Party Game #4 – Memory Game

Keep some small items (about 10 to 15) on a tray like pen, comb, spoon, sweet, toy, etc. and cover it with a piece of cloth. Make all the children sit in a circle. The adult goes to the middle and removes the cloth and shows it them for a minute. Ask them to try and memorize the objects they see. When the time is up ask them to name the things that were in the tray. The player that repeats an object or fail to name an object in the tray will be out. The game continues with more things added or replaced. It you feel the game is too easy for the players, you can either reduce the time or add more objects.

Party Game #5 – Bob the Builder

We need many empty cans for this game (you can use some another alternative too!). Players have one
minute to use these to build towers as high as they can make it. If a tower falls down, the player is allowed to rebuild as long as he still has time. The player who makes the highest tower is the winner of the game.

If the plan is to organize your child’s birthday on a large scale, it would be better idea to get birthday parties planners and best birthday party game for kids to arrange as these need a lot of planning.